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Let’s focus on the elephant in the room and by saying that I mean the many faces of the RV campgrounds asset class. When you first look into adding an RV campground property into your portfolio it seems like a straightforward process. You just sign a deal and let it work for you. That is one way of doing it but you want to make sure you make the most of your investment. Today we break down the different types of campgrounds you can operate and how to pick the best option for you. We don’t leave you with just the basics, we give our golden nuggets to success.
We hope you enjoy this mini-series. We will cover
-The industry as a whole-Similarsites to the self-storage industry-How to invest in the management of the property-Scouting and planning the first steps for success-Answer any questions you may have, be sure to send us a message or leave a comment.+ Much more!
Take a look at some of the topics in this interview
00:00 - Intro
02:004 - The four types of Campgrounds
056:5002 - Explaining short term RV campgrounds
07:59 - Occupancy in the RV space
11:305 - EGI, A very important metric (effective gross income)
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